środa, 26 listopada 2014

wtorek, 18 listopada 2014

środa, 5 listopada 2014

VILGOC Noise Asylum Tour !!! - Ireland 2014

VILGOC Noise Asylum Tour !!!- IRELAND 2014

as follows:

20.11.2014 - DUBLIN , The Hut 159 Phibsborough Road

21.11.2014 - ENNISKILLEN, Oaks Studio

22.11.2014 - DERRYLIN, Experimental Farm House

doors: 20:00


put yourself into wall

wtorek, 28 października 2014

VILGOC new split release OUT NOW!!!

New VILGOC split release with GAMMA FUCTION: "Paschen Series" free 4 download can be found here: http://xernex.bandcamp.com/album/xe24-paschen-series

sty sttic

poniedziałek, 6 października 2014

VILGOC new live HNW performance 09.10.2014

Another VILGOC live HNW performance among other great artists

DATE: 09/10/2014

PLACE: Elixir club, ul. Krakowska 39, Opole

START: 20:00

PRICE: 10 pln

trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xocmmPrHiuI

more info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/851488894880721/

tnx fr cming


poniedziałek, 22 września 2014

VILGOC live HNW performance at TOWER TRANSMISSSIONS 4th edition

VILGOC live HNW performance at TOWER TRANSMISSIONS 4th edition

Date: 26-27.09.2014

Venue: Club Puschkin, Dresden

thnx to all the crew

some movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PynkgNxyPQE&feature=share


VILGOC new HNW track at HNW KOMPILATION by Nahash Atrym Productions

VILGOC  new HNW track among other artists can be found at HNW KOMPILATION released by Nahash Atrym Productions.

You can get it from here: http://nahshatrymproductions.bandcamp.com/album/hnw-kompilation

VILGOC at "Pogłos" movie project

next year in the movies...

Eternal Thanx to all the people involved in the "Pogłos" movie project...

wtorek, 15 lipca 2014

VILGOC live HNW performance - 30.07.2014

New VILGOC live HNW performance!

date: 30/07/2014
place: Disorder-Buduar Kontrkulturowy, ul. Kościuszki 34, Wrocław
start: 21:00
fee: 15 pln

more info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1426742280947955/?fref=ts

poniedziałek, 16 czerwca 2014

VILGOC new split release OUT NOW!!!

VILGOC new split release with SUN STILL RISES is OUT NOW!!!

more details here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.680688895302137.1073741839.584864148217946&type=1

and here: http://wolnetory.bandcamp.com/album/vilgo-sun-still-rises-t-s-a-split


sobota, 31 maja 2014

VILGOC plays at RYTUAL 11th Edition 31.05.2014

VILGOC audio live performance with Maciek Frett [Job Karma] at RYTUAL 11th Edition

date: 31.05.2014
place: Hostel Piaskowy, Wroclaw
start: 18.00

Audio Room 106

wtorek, 11 marca 2014

VILGOC another live HNW performance in Bytom 22.03.2014

VILGOC another live HNW performance in Bytom

Date: 22.03.2014 [Saturday]

Place: Wolne Tory TSA, ul. Kolejowa, Bytom

Start: 20:00

Price: 10 pln

tnnx 4b thr

short view:

still stay static with

VILGOC live HNW peroformance at Defibrylator Festival 21.03.2014

VILGOC live HNW performance at  Defibrylator Festival!

Date: 21/03/2014 [Friday]

Place:  OCK,  ul. Wolności 2

Start: 20:00

Price: FREE !!!

thnx 4 all

be there static

wtorek, 4 lutego 2014

VILGOC/ABYZM Split reviewed by Roger Batty!

Great review of ABYZM/VILGOC split. 


You can read it here: http://www.musiquemachine.com/reviews/reviews_template.php?id=4766



Thank You Mr Batty!

środa, 8 stycznia 2014

VILGOC / Piotr Damasiewicz live performance 10.01.2014

New VILGOC improvisation performance with Piotr Damasiewicz

Date: 10.01.2014
Time: 20:00
Place: Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej MD_S Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu. ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 24, Nadodrze Wrocław

more info here: http://mds.asp.wroc.pl/pl/wariacje/38/

and here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1419087848328344/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming

also: http://miejscedlasztuki.blogspot.com/

thnx 4 cmng